Velkome Velkome!!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to visit my sorry excuse for a website :P

This is one of my many approaches at creating a webpage, probably the 5th attempt anyhow, let's hope this goes through nicely. It was created on the evening of March 28th, 2001. I would like to thank Fortune City for giving me the free webspace (100 megs in all, you should try it), as well as Michele at Who offers free information about webpage building. She is very helpful with just about everything you need to know.

Now, I know your ears are aching to find out who exactly I am.....well.........There I am, as seen from my ever faithful web-cam, Patsy ---->

Now that you know what I look like, you should feel obligated to read my bio, so READ MY BIO!!!! Thank you :P

If you did what you were supposed to and read my bio, you should know that I'm very musically involved. I just got done with being a part of the pit orchestra for the local musical "Oklahoma!", and here are some pictures of this grand experience: Take me to the pics


I just recently added a somewhat vague but interesting tour of my life. Take a ride on my online Virtual Life!

During my long periods of bordom, my mind will tend to create some strange, scary, humerous, and altogether entertaining things.....but that doesn't matter because I'm not posting any of it, however some non-Brando originals are right Here!

Just recently I added a new part to the webpage, I hope you like it. Click here to see it!

And here's that guest sign it!